Tuesday, August 13, 2013

How to remove shortcut key arrow in XP

  • How to remove shortcut key image
  • How to customize the default color scheme
  • How to change image quality
  • How to change multimedia keyboard key functions
  • How to conserve memory explorer

We would use power toys software for these tricks.
Launch power toys tweak UI
Start ==> program ==> power ==> toys Tweak UIpower-toys tweak UI

To remove shortcut key image

When you creates shortcut of any file folder or application an arrow start displaying at left end of shortcut. With these options you can change the predefined shortcut overlay. This change will effect the entire system. You can tweak the arrow show on shortcut.
remove shortcut key image
For instance if we select none options it will remove the short arrow
Further you can choose any picture on the place of arrow from customize options

To customize the default color scheme

With this options you can customize the default color scheme of XP. Click the compressed files button to change the color explorer user to display compress files.
customize the default color scheme
For this change to take effect, you must also configure explorer to show compressed files in a different color.

To change image quality

The image quality slider control sets the fidelity of the thumbnail image. Higher quality thumbnails require more memory and disk space. To improve image quality you have compromise with disk space.
change image quality
The setting applies only to new thumbnails. Previously created thumbnails retain their original quality setting.

To change multimedia keyboard key functions

If your keyboard comes with navigation keys, you can use this option to customize what happens when they are pressed.
change multimedia keyboard key functions

To conserve memory explorer

Remembers only a limited number of folders can be customized. Change this value to increase or decrease the number of customization explorer will remember. When this limit is exceeded customization for the folder least recently visited will be discarded.
conserve memory explorer
Select the amount of time in milliseconds each picture in the slide show should remain on the screen.

How to set default registry in XP

  • How to disable autoexec.bat at login
  • How to login without username and password
  • How to change login wallpaper
  • How to set default registry
  • How to reset all folder setting to default
  • To disable autoexec.bat at logon 
We would use power toys software for these tricks.
Launch power toys tweak UI
Start ==> program ==> power ==> toys Tweak UI

power-toys tweak UI

To disable autoexec.bat from running at start up

By default XP try to execute Autoexec.bat file. This feature was introduced for software developer so they could put their script which require to auto run in Autoexec.bat file. Cracker could take advantage of this feature. They could insert harmful commands in Autoexec.bat to make system unstable. With this option you can stop autoexec.bat from running at startup.
Uncheck this option: - Parse autoexec.bat at login
disable autoexec.bat

To login without username and password

Click on ok. Now on next boot time system would be automatically logged in from the user specified here.
Check marks on :- Log on automatically at system startup
Set username :- your login name
Set password :- your login password
login without username and password
Click on ok apply on. Now when system will restart it will not ask for username and password. It will automatically login from user specified in this option.

To change login wallpaper

XP comes with a default login screen. We need to set desire picture as desktop wallpaper first. With following option you can easily copy this wallpaper as logon screen.
Check this options:- Wallpaper
And click on Copy Now
change login wallpaper

To set default registry

On other websites several tips and tricks are available on XP most of them require modification in registry value. Use following option to restore registry in its original stage, if you have end up with a corrupt registry.
Select registry from drop down menu and press repair now button
 set default registry

To reset all folder setting to default

Use following options to restore font folder, my music icon, my picture icon in their original stage.
Select options that you want repair and click on repair now.

How to customize internet explorer in XP

  • How to set autocorrect backslash to slashes
  • How to change background of toolbar
  • How to set default search engine
  • How to change notepad to view source of webpage
  • How to change busy icon in internet explorer
  • How to change busy icon in internet explorer
To perform these tasks you need to install tweak UI software
Launch power toys tweak UI
Start ==> program ==> power ==> toys Tweak UI
power-toys tweak UI

To set autocorrect backslash to slashes

With this option you can set a autocorrect function which will autocorrect the backslashes to slashes in internet explorer address bar.
Check the option:- Autocorrect backslashes to slashes
set autocorrect backslash to slashes

To change background of toolbar

With this option you can change the color of toolbar even you can set your picture as the background of toolbar. To make these change select toolbar background sub key under the internet explorer key.
Check the :- Use custom background for Internet explorer toolbar to customize internet explorer
Check the :- Use Custom background for explorer toolbar for to customize explorer toolbars
Click on change and select the picture you want
change background of toolbar
Changed explorer tool bar in my computer
Changed explorer tool bar in my computer
Customized Internet explorer tool bar

To set default search engine

Internet explorer come with msn default search engine. You can change it to your favorite search engine. To make these change select search sub key under the internet explorer key.
Click on Create and Give the URL of your favorite search engine
set default search engine

To change notepad to view source of webpage

By default internet explorer opens source code of any page in notepad. With this option you can change the default program associate with internet explorer. Select view source sub key under the internet explorer key.
Click on change program and select the program you want
set default search engine
Now go on internet explorer and select source from view menu
source from view menu
As you can see in image now source will open in HTML pad despite of notepad
source from view menu

To change busy icon in internet explorer

With this trick you can change the busy icon show in Internet explore. Select the small animation sub key under the internet explorer.
Choose custom and click on change Busy image to change Busy image
click on change Idle image to change Idle image
change Idle image

To select program for right click

Whenever you do right click XP show available options there to complete task.

With this trick you can customize these program. Select template in right pane and you will see all program available for right click.
Choose the program which you want

Once you applied the change by clicking on ok these option will also be remove from right click menu.