Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Notepad is known to be simple pad for comments.  Often peoples don’t like to use notepad. Today we are introducing  some notepad funny tricks. You can use it as fun as well as for knowledge. 

Confirm your anti-virus status
This trick is used to check antivirus activity. If you feel that your antivirus software is not working well then you can confirm it by using this trick.
(i). Open Notepad and type this code.
(ii).  Now save it with extension “exe” (like antivirus.exe)
(iii).If your antivirus software is working properly then it will detect this file and will try to

       remove it as soon as you save it.
(iv). If your antivirus tries to remove this file, it means that your antivirus is working 
     properly and if it doesn’t try to remove this file then you should use some other 
      reliable antivirus software.
hint for world trade center
Every body knows about 9/11.  The flight number of that plane was Q33N. Ok now see some amazing trick.
1.   Open notepad and type this number Q33N.
2.   Increase font size to 70, or 80 etc.
3.   Now select this number and change its font to “Wingdings”
4.   As a result you will be shocked to see the resultant shape.


             If you want to make a diary which inserts date and time automatically then use 
             this trick. 

1.   Open notepad

2.   Type ( .LOG ) (no brackets)

3.   Save this file with any name e.g. diary etc.

4.   Reopen the file and see the log book magic.

5.   You will see that the current date and time are automatically inserted.

6.   It will happen every time



·   Open notepad and type 4 words separated by spaces. The letters of these words should be 4,3,3,5. For example you can write “mark the kid ahead” or “boys are not quick”  it is also called 4335 rule.

·    Save this file with any name.

·    Reopen your file and see magic.


This trick helps you to shut down your computer quickly after showing a message box. To apply this trick:

·    Open notepad

·    Write this code

@echo off

Msg* I am dead tired now.

Shutdown –c “Error! I will sleep now! Good byeee” –s

·    Save this file on desktop with bat extension.

·    Done.

·    Double click on the saved file, you will see a message and your pc will restart.


Remove Error in Windows Xp.
Some time an error occurs while you are using XP. A little dialogue box appears asking if you want to send report to Microsoft for this accident or not? Mostly when we press the button “Don’t send” The software we are using, turns off and we do not get any chance to save our working data. You can solve this problem simply and after this process you will not see this error box again. Just follow these steps.
Right click on “My computer” and click on ‘Properties”
On system properties dialogue box click on ‘advance tab”
Click on the error reporting button.
Click on “Disable error reporting”
It’s better for you to Place checkmark on “But notify me when critical errors occurs”
Now click Ok.


It is common observation that some times our computer slows down due to low performance of hard drive. This problem happens due to the slow performance or poor speed of hard drive. When we say about poor performance, actually we mean, poor speed of reading/writing of hard drive. This problem can be solved by increasing the hard drive speed. Follow these steps to solve your problem.

Click Start menu and select run.
Now type (sysedit.exe) in run and press enter.
System configuration editor will appear.
Here you can see some multiple windows but you will select (system.ini).
This window contains a line (386enh)
Now after this line type (irq14=4096)
Now close this window and save it.
Reboot your computer now.
You will surely feel better performance of your computer.