Monday, August 19, 2013

How to enable root in Ubuntu 12.04

root is the top administrator account in linux. You can do whatever you want to do while you logged in from root account. This causes security risk. Even a small mistake in file system can crash entire OS.You could type a command incorrectly and destroy the system.
So Ubuntu developers made a conscientious decision to disable the administrative root account by default in all Ubuntu installations. This does not mean that the root account has been deleted or that it may not be accessed. It merely has been given a password which matches no possible encrypted value, therefore may not log in directly by itself.
As a network administrator you may need to enable root account in several circumstances. In this tutorial we would enable root account in Ubuntu 12.04.
During the installation of Ubuntu we need to create one user account. By default this account has permission to run sudo command with his own password. Log in from this account.
enable root normal user login screen
We need Terminal to execute commands. Click on Ubuntu button, type terminal in search box and click on terminal icon. Alternatively you can launch terminal directly by pressing ALT+CTRL+T key combination.
enable root open terminial
Set password for root account. Run following command
sudo passwd root
Just remember, when sudo asks for a password, it needs YOUR USER password. And when it say Enter new UNIX password enter the password which you set for root account.
enable root set password for root
root account is enabled. Now we need to enable login option. Run following command
sudo sh -c 'echo "greeter-show-manual-login=true" >> /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf'

Reboot the system and Login from root
enable root reboot command
While you logged from root account in Ubuntu 12.04 username will show Guest in notification area.
enable root root desktop
You can confirm from terminal that you logged in as root account. Open terminal and run who am i command
enable root who am i
While logged in from root account several services like google chrome, sound would not run. Please check our other articles from Ubuntu 12.04 tips and tricks to enable these services for root account.
If you wish to disable root account again follow these steps.
Reboot system Logged in from the account which you have created during the installation process
enable root normal user login screen
run following command
sudo passwd -dl root
enable root disable root
Reboot system again and try to login from root.
enable root login error with root
Enabling the Root account is rarely necessary. Almost everything you need to do as administrator of an Ubuntu system can be done via sudo or gksudo. We suggest you to check our other articles to learn how to perform administrator task without enabling root account.
enable root enable ghrapic command

How to install Ubuntu

In this article we are going to install Ubuntu. You can install Ubuntu form any medium like DVD, pen drive, network. It's up to you which medium you choose. In this article we are starting from first screen which you will interact after system boot with Ubuntu image media.
Select language from left pane and click on Install Ubuntu
ubuntu installation install ubuntu
Wizard will ask you to check available disk space, power supply and internet connectivity. Minimum 4.4 GB disk space is required to install Ubuntu. If you are installing Ubuntu on Laptop without adaptor plugged in supply make sure it has full battery backup. Ubuntu try to install updates during the installation so connect it with internet. You can update it after installation also. If you want to update Ubuntu after installation does not check mark on download updates while installing and on install this third party software.
ubuntu installation preparing to install
Installation wizard will scan the hard disk. Depending on what it detects it will show partition options. Something else options allow us to create partition manually. Select something else
ubuntu installation installation type
If its new hard disk you need to create partition table before creating partition. This only requires if hard disk does not have partition table. Select Hard disk and click on new partition table
ubuntu installation partition screen
Click on continue to partition table message
ubuntu installation partition screen new partition table message
You will get free space option once partition table is created. Select free space and click on Add
ubuntu installation partition screen total free space
In a typical Linux installation 3 partitions [/, boot, home] are required. First create / partition by selecting it from mount point.
ubuntu installation create partition root
From partition table select free space and click on Add again
ubuntu installation partition screen after root partition
select /boot from mount point drop down.
ubuntu installation create partition boot
Select free space again and click on Add. This time select /home from drop down
ubuntu installation create partition home
Now we would create swap area. Swap area work as a temporary location to support RAM.
Select free space and click on Add. This time click on Use as drop down and select swap area
ubuntu installation create partition swap select
We have created necessary partitions. Click on install now
ubuntu installation partition screen with all partition
Now wizard will format the partitions. After format you need to select time zone location
ubuntu installation select location
Now select keyboard layout
ubuntu installation detect keyboard
root account is by default disable in Ubuntu so you have create at least one account. Fill user, password and computer name. Please note that password you entered here would also be used to run su or sudo commands.
ubuntu installation user info
That's all information wizard need from you. Now just relax and wait.
ubuntu installation after all setting running
Once installation is completed wizard will prompt for reboot. Click on reboot now
ubuntu installation complete message
After reboot you will get Ubuntu login screen.
ubuntu installation login screen

How to make Ubuntu bootable USB

Ubuntu is a most flexible and widely used Linux flavor. In this article I will show you how to make Ubuntu bootable USB disk.
From this bootable USB you can install Ubuntu on any computer / Laptop / Notebook which recognize USB as a boot device.
There are several methods to create bootable USB disk but in this article I will use most easy method.
To make Ubuntu bootable USB disk we need
  • Ubuntu ISO image (You can download IOS image from Ubuntu's official site [ ] in case you do not have it.)
  • Download YUMI Setup (You can check and download the latest version from developer's site.
  • USB drive with minimum 1 GB space.(Make sure you do not have any data in it. It would be format).
Attach USB drive with system and open My computer. Note down the USB drive latter
yumi drive latter
Double click on YUMI setup file

Accept the license agreement
yumi license agreement
Now we are on main configuration screen of wizard
yumi default screen

  • Select USB Drive
  • Select Format drive
  • Select Ubuntu version
  • Browse and select IOS image file of Ubuntu
  • Click on create
yumi config file
Click on Yes to confirm the action
yumi usb format confirmation
Now wizard will format the pen drive and transfer the IOS image.
yumi copying
Click on next to finish the process
yumi finish
YUMI allow you to add multiple OS. We do not want to add any additional OS. Click on No
yumi add more message
YUMI has taken all necessary actions. Close the main configuration screen
yumi default screen
Remove the USB drive from system. This USB drive is now Ubuntu bootable. Use it to install Ubuntu on any computer which support USB boot device.
Attach this bootable USB drive and select removable device / USB as first boot device from boot menu.
yumi boot menu usb selected
Click on Install Ubuntu on hard disk.
yumi install on hard disk screen
We are on first screen of installation process.
yumi setup fileubuntu installation install ubuntu
From here you can install Ubuntu. For installation steps of Ubuntu check our article