Thursday, August 22, 2013

How to fix permission of htdocs in Ubuntu

In this article we would set the permission of htdocs folder.
htdocs folder contains the web contents. In our previous articles we have installed XAMPP and also seen how to start automatically XAMPP on login.
XAMPP local web server serves websites from htdocs folder by default.
Default location of htdocs folder is /opt/lampp/htdocs .
You would not be able to create files/folders in this folder unless you are logged in from root account. And as we have suggested in our earlier article you should not use root account unless you have no other options. We can change the ownership of htdocs folder so it would be writeable for our user account.
To change the ownership of htdocs folder open the terminal.
We need user name to change the ownership. If you know username skip this command.
To know currently logged in username run following command
who am i
xampp fix permission who am i
To change ownership of htdocs folder run following command. [Replace username with your own username]
sudo chown -R username:username /opt/lampp/htdocs
xampp fix permission chown command
We also need to update httpd.conf file. Run following command to open apache configuration file
sudo gedit /opt/lampp/etc/httpd.conf
xampp fix permission geditfind following lines
User nobody
Group nogroup
Replace nobody with your user name and save the file
xampp fix permission username in file
Logout from user and login back.
Now you can create, delete, and manage files / folder in htdocs folder. To test it
open htdocs folder
xampp fix permission htdocs folder
create a test.php file
xampp fix permission text file
open test.php and write a simple php code for testing. Save the file
xampp fix permission text file with php
access file from browser
xampp fix permission test file in browser

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